Tech Party 🇬🇧
Fireside Conversation w/ Rosie Sherry head of community @ Indie Hackers 🇬🇧
Heure actuelle: 0:00 / Temps total: -1:01:58

Fireside Conversation w/ Rosie Sherry head of community @ Indie Hackers 🇬🇧

“For me, how I approach it, is just being human. It’s sound really basics almost like stupid. But being human like more than perhaps traditional kind of way. Trying to getting back to the roots of humanity (…) I go to my gut feelings. Community is so important to us as humans as we need each others”

About this Fireside Conversation

We were so pleased to get Rosie Sherry with us last friday. She is Head of Community at Indie Hackers.

Since we are a club of more than 30 online community builders we had so many questions for her !

We were so impressed by her modesty. She is maybe one of the most inspiring people right now on the subject of community building in the world.

I hope you’ll be as much inspired than we were during this record.

Behind the mic

🎙️ Marie Dollé | In Bed With Tech | Twitter

🎙️ Ange Mickaël Ahyi | Pause Curation | Twitter

🎙️ Rémi Rivas, Designer | Twitter

🎙️ Aurélien Gohier | B2B Marketing Sales | Twitter

🎙️ Alexis Kovalenko |co-founder of >Contournement> | Linkedin

🎙️ Pascale Lagahe | Linkedin

🎙️ Alexandre Durand-Chabert | founder of Airparty| Twitter

You can see the full member list of the club here

Our questions to Rosie

2’44 • Alexandre :

⚡Is there a community behind every Indie project ? 

4’09 • Rémi :

⚡What is an audience and what define a community from your point of view ?

⚡How did you end up in community building ? 

12’18 • Aurélien :

⚡At what point did you start really to strategize ? Long term ?

16’00 • Ange Mickael :

⚡Could I start the community from day one ?

⚡What are the best tools to build a community ?

23’39 • Marie :

⚡Could you give us your best 3 advices in community building ?

32’10 • Aurélien :

⚡How are you confortable with growth hacking methods to build a community ? 

37’55 • Alexis :

⚡What is Indie Hackers ? What define a Indie Hacker ?

42’12 • Rémi : 

⚡What is the revenue model for Indie Hackers ?

⚡How do you manage to people to think to come back on a regular basis ?

⚡How do you manage to involve people in circle of discussions ?

⚡How to make people more and more engaged ?

51’17 • Ange Mickael :

⚡At the beginning of my project do I need to rely on super users or do I need to make things all by myself?

53’26 • Alexandre :

⚡Do you see in the future articulation between Corporations and Indie Projects ? How could Corporate be helpfull for indie projects ?

56’28 • Aurélien :

⚡Do you have role models to build cool communities ? Do you have favorite resources/books to share ?

Great readings 📚

Rosie’s Blog If you consider to build an online community you definitly should read her blog where you’ll find a great notion library with all of community building resources.

Structure of belonging • Peter Block

The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It MattersPriya Parker

Seth Godin

The Wuffie Factor • Tara Hunt

Alex Hillman

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Alexandre Durand-Chabert